Contact Information
Name & Surname *
Email *
How do you know about Polo Cabinets? * Search engineSocial mediaReferral from another customerTrade showDirect email or phone call from Polo CabinetsOther
What type of business do you have? * Builder/general contractorRemodelerDesignerDealerHomeownerOther
Who is your current cabinet supplier?
What is your average $k purchase per month? *
Please select from the list below what services you’d like to have with Polo Cabinets?* Design ServicesCabinets only (you provide material list)Installation Services (Atlanta office only)Online ordering (dealers only)
Billing Information
Company Name *
Tax ID *
Shipping Address*
Street Address
City *
State *
ZIP Code
Tax Exempt # if Applicable (Tax Exemption Certificate Required)
Upload Business License
Shipping Information My billing and shipping address are the same. [group group-191]
First Name *
Last Name *